Conferences available
- Stimulate your brain to get better by enriching your environment (plasticity of the brain and the relations between the nervous and immune systems)
- Interactions between gut microbiota and brain
- Glial cells
- Brain: perception, action, learning and memory
- In the mazes of memory
- The brain and the light
- Brain and colors
- Alzheimer's disease
- 10 misconceptions about the brain
Previous conferences
- Member of the "Association Sciences pour tous" since 2018 : conférences in the villages
- Colloque Art Sciences et Pensée in Mouans-Sartoux 2015-2018 (invited conferences, round tables)
- Participation to the "Fête de la Science" (stands, conferences), Palais de Congrès de Juan les Pins (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018), Sophia Antipolis, University of Nice (Institut de Biologie Valrose).
- First organizer of Brain Awarness week (Semaine du Cerveau) in Nice/Sophia-Antipolis in 2008.
Since then, I participate every year to this event with conferences and animations.
- Public and academic conferences on the job of researcher in Colleges and High Schools (Lycée de Valbonne, Centre International de Valbonne, Collège de l’Eganaude, Lycée Léonard de Vinci, Lycée Masséna à Nice, Médiathèque de Valbonne, …). Participation to the day « Elles bougent », Ingénieures au féminin.
- Participation to the Colloquium "les enjeux éthiques de la recherche", Nice 27-28 Sept 2012.
- Conferences in the Rotary club de Cannes, Villeneuve Loubet et Vence
- Conférence and Poster in "Nice Cool et Verte", Nice 2019
- Conferences in mediatheques (Valbonne, Antibes, Bibliothèque Raoul Mille à Nice, etc...)