Alice Guyon
Research Director in CNRS
06 18 72 11 00
Center of Research in Psychology and Neurosciences (CRPN)
UMR 7077 - Aix Marseille University - CNRS
3, place Victor Hugo 13003 Marseille,
Birth date:

Welcome to my website!
My name is Alice Guyon. I am Director of Research at the CNRS, at the Center of Research in Psychology and Neurosciences (CRPN). My research focuses on Neuroscience and interactions between the nervous, endocrine and immune systems under physiological and pathological conditions.
Recently, I focused on integrative medecine practices, particularly those using non ordinary states of consciousness. I am developping innovative approaches to evaluate these practices and try to understand their physiological mechanisms.
Qualification to o the function of Professeur
Habilitation to Direct Research
Université Paris VI, Neurosciences
PhD from Université Paris VI in Neurosciences,
Defense: 7 Janvier 1995.
Mention "Très Honorable avec Félicitations du Jury"
DEA of Neurosciences from Université Paris VI
Magister of Biology from Université Paris VI
Master of Biology and Physiology from Université Paris VI
Licence in Cellular Biology and Biochemistry. Université Paris VI
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris (Rue d’Ulm), section Biology
Driving Licence
BAFA (Leader formation)
AFPS (First Aid formation)
Autorisation to experiment on animals
Langages : French, English, Spanish
Institut de Pharmacologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire-
Equipe de Gérard Lambeau
Reconversion thématique : études scientifiques cliniques des effets d’approches complémentaires
Directeur de Recherches (DR2) à l’IPMC-CNRS UMR 7275
Chargée de recherches (CR1) à l’IPMC-CNRS UMR 7275, Développement d’une équipe Joëlle Chabry et Agnès Petit (en co-direction) au sein du groupe de Catherine Heurteaux
Mission à UC Berkeley USA dans le laboratoire du Pr Isacoff
Délégation (2001-2004), Chargée de recherches 2ème classe (CR2, 2004) puis première classe (CR1, 2009) au CNRS dans l’équipe dirigée par le Dr Jean-Louis Nahon à l’IPMC (CNRS UMR 6097 dirigé par le Dr. P. Barbry).
Maître de conférences (Amiens, ESPCI, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris)


CRPN UMR7077, Marseille, France
Clinical studies on complementary approaches in health
Institute of Pharmacology, Molecular and Cellular
Team of Gérard Lambeau
Clinic studies of complementary approaches in health
Research Director (DR2) in IPMC-CNRS UMR 7275
Researcher (CR1) in IPMC-CNRS UMR 7275,
Creation of a team with Joëlle Chabry and Agnès Petit (co-direction) in the group of Catherine Heurteaux
Mission in UC Berkeley USA in the laboratory of Pr Isacoff
Délégation (2001-2004), researcher(CR2, 2004) then (CR1, 2009) in CNRS in the team directed byJean-Louis Nahon in IPMC (CNRS UMR 6097 directed by P. Barbry).

Assistant Professor (Amiens, ESPCI, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris)
Ecole Normale Supérieure of Paris
Allocataire Moniteur Normalien

During my career, I studied the modulation of the excitability of several neuronal populations by different pharmacological substances in the context of several pathologies such as absence-type epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, eating disorders or the Depression. I participated in the illumination of the mechanisms of action of ethosuximide (an anti-absence of which I helped to understand the target channels), furosemide (a diuretic that also acts on GABAA receptors) and recently, I have shown that baclofen, in addition to its action on GABAB receptors, also acts on a chemokine receptor, CXCR4.
An important part of my work has been to demonstrate the major role played by chemokines, chemoattractant cytokines, in regulating the electrical activity of neurons in many areas of the brain.
Finally, an original part of my work has been to show that the ciliary beeting frequency of cilia lining te cerebral ventricules is modulated by neurotransmitters and metabolites.

Since 2012, I have developed with Joëlle Chabry and Agnès Petit a theme about the beneficial effects of environmental enrichment in the treatment of depression, in the team of Catherine Heurteaux at the IPMC.
I became interested in the more neuro-immunological aspects of this project by studying more precisely the role of microglia and T cells in the antidepressant effects of environmental enrichment. This project allowed me to use both my knowledge of neuro-immunology and my skills in electrophysiology, and I benefited from all the techniques available in the laboratory. For this project, I have also established numerous collaborations within the IPMC with notably Nicolas Glaichenhaus's teams (immunologist) but also outside the IPMC in France and abroad.
Depression is accompanied by structural and neurochemical changes in the brain, particularly within the limbic system, in particular the hippocampus, including a decrease in its overall volume, a reduction in neurogenesis and synaptogenesis, and synaptic plasticity. There are also changes in the activity of mono-aminergic systems, particularly serotoninergic in the Raphé nuclei, dysregulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and neuroinflammation. The classical treatments for depression rely mainly on the modulation of mono-aminergic neurotransmission systems, but these treatments have limitations and disadvantages, in particular a long delay in action and resistance to treatment in many patients.
In addition to the pharmacological approach, another strategy to combat depression in humans is the use of behavioral therapies: increased physical activity, sensory stimulation and social interaction would have beneficial effects in patients depressive. In mice, the enriched environment model that is to say stimulant without being stressful, limits the anxio-depressive syndromes induced for example by prolonged treatment with corticosterone, the stress hormone in mice. Depression is accompanied by neuroinflammation. Different cell populations contribute to inflammation of the central nervous system, including resident immune cells of the brain (microglia and perivascular macrophages) and infiltrating immune cells (inflammatory and neutrophilic monocytes). The cytokines produced by these cells can by altering the activity of the neural networks lead to a depressive state.
In the first part of our work, we have shown that one of the mediators of the beneficial effects of EE is an adipokine (hormone produced by adipose tissue), adiponectin, which by its anti-inflammatory effects on microglia and resident macrophages has beneficial effects on the depressive anxiety behavior of mice. We have shown the antidepressant properties of an adiponectin receptor agonist called adiporon, for which we have filed a patent. We went further by developing the novel idea that T cells also might play a role in depression, but a beneficial role in promoting plasticity and we investigated the mechanisms by which CD8 + and CD4 + T cells selectively affect the brain plasticity.

Enrichissement de l'environnement chez la souris
As a continuation of this work, since 2018 I have begun a thematic reconversion to scientifically study the clinical effects of several unconventional and complementary approaches. Indeed, for reasons of personal ethics, I decided to stop animal testing and turn to clinical studies.
In 2018, I joined Gérard Lambeau's team at IPMC. This team specializes in phospholipases A2 and their receptors. These enzymes have a key role in inflammation by releasing inflammatory phospholipids that act in parallel with cytokines, which particularly interested me. This role has been little explored at the cerebral level in the context of neuroinflammation. In addition, this team has already started several collaborative clinical studies.
My intention is to set up a mobile experimental laboratory able to evaluate different unconventional and complementary approaches, on the basis of physiological measurements (heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, SpO2, electroencephalogram, electrodermal conductance, blood measurements of cortisol, cytokine and inflammatory PLA2 levels, etc.) and psychological levels (questionnaires, attention tests, posture, voice and facial analysis, etc.).
In order to train me in these new techniques for me, I did a training in good clinical research practices at the Clinical Research and Innovation Department (DRCI) of Nice and I followed the ED of Meditation and Mindfulness, integrated health approach organized by Antoine Lutz in Lyon in 2019. I also integrated the Observatory for Complementary and Non-Conventional Medicine in Nice (OMCNC) in 2018.
Currently, I am developing several projects in parallel, which are described in the "Integrative Health" tab.
Interactions between nervous, endocrine and immune system in link with environment


Recordings with microelectrodes and Patch–Clamp (whole cell and single cell), in vitro (acute and organoitypic brain sclices, acutely dissociates and cultured cells) and in Xenopus oocytes
pClamp, Axograph, Acquis I, Matlab, Xcell, Prism, Sigmaplot, Canvas, Powerpoint, Illustrator, Photoshop
Calcium imaging with FURA, TIRF microscopy (total internal reflection fluorescence), photoswitch
Molecular Biology
DNA and RNA extraction, PCR, single cell RT-PCR
Protein expression
in Xenopus oocytes, HEK cells and organotypic slices (lipofectamine, Gene-gun and virus)
Clinical Research
Assistant Professor
(Amiens, Paris 6, ESPCI)
Teaching Neurophysiology
Practicals in animal physiology
and electrophysiology
192 UC/year
Teaching in Ecole Polytechnique Universitaire (12h), Neurophysiology (Parkinson disease, feeding behavior disorders, Neuro-immunology)
Teaching in University of Nice Sophia Antipolis (6 h) New strategies to treat depression. Master II UE « Endocrinologie moléculaire et pathologies »,)
Teaching in Master of Science
MOD4NEUCOG (18h) Neurophysiology
Nervous system, sensori-motricity,
breain plasticity, neuro-immunology
Interactions between gut microbiota and the brain
January -June 2020 Mini-projets of MSC (Master of Science) MOD4NEUCOG (Modelisation for Neurosciences and Cognition, Université Côte d'Azur) of Mathieu Marconi, Master 1 CognitivesSciences of Elisa Elleuch. MSC MOD4NEUCOG M2 personal project of Kiribel Danieli.
October- Décember 2019 MSC MOD4NEUCOG M2 training of Norma Gomes and Sepideh Iranfar.
April-Mai 2019 Mini-projects of MSC of Norma Gomes and Safia Mensor,personnal project of MSC of Norma Gomes, Sepideh Iranfar and Julien Moreira.
Janvier 2014- 2017 M2 then PhD of M Hadi Zarif. M2 pthen PhD of Sarah Nicolas, DUT training of Maud Maillot and M1 training of Valentine Golzne.
Summer 2014 Summer training of Fabienne Massa
February-August 2013 M2 training of Salma Hosseiny, BTS of Vérane Peyratout. M1 of Mariel Pietri.
February-August 2012 M1 of Salma Hosseiny.
April-July 2010 M2 « Computational Biology » of Ecole Polytechnique Universitaire (EPU), M. Navean Ramkumar.
January-March 2010 BTS, Priscilla Maitre.
2009-2013 Post doctorate of Grégory Conductier,BTS of Raphaël Chapot, summer training of Thomas Boser, DUT of Thibault Lemaire.
1992-2002 DEA of Stéphanie Laurent, PhD of Elisabeth Bugnard