2018 -Mindfulnes based Compassion and Insight (MBCI) Level 2
2018 - Training to good practices for clinical research
Direction de la recherche clinique et de l'innovation (DRCI). Nice
2018 - Member of Observatoire des Médecines Non Conventionnelles et Complémentaires de Nice (OMCNC)
Depuis 2015 - Regular practice of Yoga, Qi-Gong, Taichi, Sophrology, Reiki, Automassages and Méditation

Enriched environment in humans
Currently, I am developing several projects in parallel:
The first project that I am coordinating aims to study the effects of the Quertant method, a visual neuropedagogical method, on children aged 8 to 11 with attention deficit disorder (ADHD). A group practicing the Quertant method at the rate of two 30-minute sessions per week for 6 months will be compared to a group of children receiving everyday sounds (psychomotricity) for a comparable number of sessions. This pilot study will be carried out in three centers (Monaco, PACA region and Chartres) on around thirty children per group. If the effects of the Quertant method prove to be positive, we plan to develop a study of the effects of the method on the brain by brain imaging.
The second project aims to study the effects of the Félicitée method, which consists in having children practice series of short exercises before class according to a well-defined sequence (about ten minutes in all), on the children's academic results. The method has been used for several years in Belgium. If the results of the study prove convincing, we will then look for the potential effects of the method on cognition, self-esteem, children's cooperation, etc.
The third project aims to study the correlations that could exist between mental operations and eye movements, in order to test the hypotheses defended by NLP (Neuro-Linguistic programming). This project uses eye tracking and is carried out in collaboration with the Cocolab platform of Université Côte d'Azur.
A fourth current project consists of testing the effects on the voice of food supplements based on Poly-metals.